Thursday, November 02, 2006

today i will be mostly...

hello to all my blog readers i thought i would try again to post another blog for you all to gander at...

My ramble today is how amazing my friend Fi is, she is just so amazing, we went out last night with a whole group of friends for a meal, and i have to say she is the best person i have ever met, she is funny witty, SO beautiful and not at all big headed.

I would also like to ramble about my sexy toes... nothing much to ramble about really, they are just sexy!

I have moved my body-painting-green night to tonight, its been a hard few days at college and its important to relax when things have been difficult, so what better than to sit down with a nice pot of green paint for the evening.

I have also decided to shave my hair off, i have taken a liking to the mearkat.... awww their big eyes as they stand on their hind legs. And so in my new love with a new style of animal (its not green) i have thought about removing my head hair to look similar to them. Let me know your thoughts...

gotta go,

peace out


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