Wednesday, November 22, 2006

hi everyone!

yeah... what it says in the title...

Hi everyone!

Ok, so it has been noted my last blog was not up to the usual standard but today i woke up and said to myself 'H you need to write the best blog anyone is ever going to read and you NEED to write it today'

So i have set up the challenge and now i need to meet it...

I have come to realise that i am amazing, i am good at everything and my imagination is first class... but what do i do now i know this?

Share it of course! Then all the bits i have passed on and grow and become better versions of me and i can rule the world!

So in order to do this i need to help all my readers (the millions of wonderful people) understand what it takes to make such an amazing person like me...

1) You need to wash your hair every day... shiney hair means you think a lot and my hair is always shiney, it also means that the light can reflect of your shineyness and warn people you are coming so that they can take their position of bowing.

2) You must respect the hamster

3) You must like the colour green

4) You must love the colour green

5) You must love to paint yourself (green)

6) You must develop the art of singing in the car even when you have parked up

7) You must fall asleep at just the right wrong time

8) Love Muse

9) Not like the number nine... never write or say it again

10) Ask everyone you meet... 'do you like sausage?' (there is no reason for this and the answer does not matter, but it something that needs to be asked at all times)

So this is the start of my cloning factory... go and be H


some times the camera just cant get my beauty

1 comment:

Rhix said...

Where are you???! We love reading about you and your greenness although Saturday you looked more grey, but anyhows....