Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Hi everyone!
i know it has been a long time since i last bloged, but i have been very busy painting various 'things' lately
so how are we doing?!
its been great here in filand getting ready for Christmas...
One highlight has to be decorating my tree with all the green beauty i could find! tinsel and ballballs... oh and the american tradition of stringing popcorn and putting that on the tree, of course i painted the popcorn a lovely lime colour before placing the strings on the proud looking tree!
So its this time of year that we start to think about the next year coming and of course looking back at what this past year has brought...
This year has been amazing... here are just some of the highlights...
  • getting lost in the mirror maze in wooky hole for 6 hours because i mistook my reflection for someone who was a good listener. it was a great time to really talk and get my feelings off my chest to someone
  • when i realised if you add just a lil more yellow powder paint to what i thought was the perfect green, you do in fact make the perfect green ever in the land... it has taken me 6th months to make another batch of the same colour though
  • seeing musey muse muse
  • doing an impression of what a cat would sound like if it had said muse
  • being able to finish my photo album with 34 pages of pictures of my sexy sexy toes
  • finding out that Fi will be joining me for new year
  • last june i realised the cds make the best mirrors if you get really stuck, and they also give you a rainbow tint
  • you cant wash off the smell of tuna with no soap... this is good as i dont like soap and love the smell of tuna... but no other fish

I could continue... but i dont want to make your year seem any less than i already have

well i must be off a to dip my hands in to two bowls of tuna!

Happy Christmas and see you in the new year!


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

hi everyone!

yeah... what it says in the title...

Hi everyone!

Ok, so it has been noted my last blog was not up to the usual standard but today i woke up and said to myself 'H you need to write the best blog anyone is ever going to read and you NEED to write it today'

So i have set up the challenge and now i need to meet it...

I have come to realise that i am amazing, i am good at everything and my imagination is first class... but what do i do now i know this?

Share it of course! Then all the bits i have passed on and grow and become better versions of me and i can rule the world!

So in order to do this i need to help all my readers (the millions of wonderful people) understand what it takes to make such an amazing person like me...

1) You need to wash your hair every day... shiney hair means you think a lot and my hair is always shiney, it also means that the light can reflect of your shineyness and warn people you are coming so that they can take their position of bowing.

2) You must respect the hamster

3) You must like the colour green

4) You must love the colour green

5) You must love to paint yourself (green)

6) You must develop the art of singing in the car even when you have parked up

7) You must fall asleep at just the right wrong time

8) Love Muse

9) Not like the number nine... never write or say it again

10) Ask everyone you meet... 'do you like sausage?' (there is no reason for this and the answer does not matter, but it something that needs to be asked at all times)

So this is the start of my cloning factory... go and be H


some times the camera just cant get my beauty

Thursday, November 16, 2006

wow i love musey muse muse

i know that some people think i am 'sad' and deemed me not right... but i think you have to agree that i have seen the best band in the world....


the picture bellow is me at the gig, i didnt want to wear my H cos i didnt want the millions of people to recognise me who read my amazing blog.

i also wanted to let everyone now just how important listening is, we have ears we should use them!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I just need to add....

Ok so i want to say every word that i Holly, H has been writen by my own hand, there are people in my class who think this isnt real... but i really am... i love green, mearkats, and my sexy sexy toes....

here is another picture to prove it....

Who would put this picture on here if it wasnt me?! I look SOOO good


today i will be mostly...

hello to all my blog readers i thought i would try again to post another blog for you all to gander at...

My ramble today is how amazing my friend Fi is, she is just so amazing, we went out last night with a whole group of friends for a meal, and i have to say she is the best person i have ever met, she is funny witty, SO beautiful and not at all big headed.

I would also like to ramble about my sexy toes... nothing much to ramble about really, they are just sexy!

I have moved my body-painting-green night to tonight, its been a hard few days at college and its important to relax when things have been difficult, so what better than to sit down with a nice pot of green paint for the evening.

I have also decided to shave my hair off, i have taken a liking to the mearkat.... awww their big eyes as they stand on their hind legs. And so in my new love with a new style of animal (its not green) i have thought about removing my head hair to look similar to them. Let me know your thoughts...

gotta go,

peace out


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

hello my dears!

Ok so this is my first proper blog on here, so i thought i would just start as i mean to go on and ramble!

First thing tho i like to ramble in the talking sense but not the walking sense, walking is rubbish, i like to hover, but i havent got that art perfected yet.

So what will i ramble about i hear you ask?!

i would like to ramble about how no matter how big someone's nose is the end is always the same, just look at them! all the same... round.

the end

peace out


PS i think i would look great if i was this frog...

Me... for my profile thing

dont i look lovely?